Planning for the Future
of Clark County
The Clark County Department of Aviation (CCDOA) owns and operates various airport facilities in Clark County, Nevada, including Harry Reid International Airport. The airport has experienced robust growth as Las Vegas has become a major leisure destination market and conference venue. The forecast aviation growth cannot all be accommodated at the present LAS site; thus, the CCDOA is planning the construction and operation of the Southern Nevada Supplemental Airport. The Airport is intended to provide long-term aviation capacity for the Las Vegas metropolitan area, primarily serving charter, long-haul domestic, and international flights.
Conceptual Schedule:
Validate Plans
ALP Update
Airspace Study
ATCT Siting
Wildlife Hazard
Assessment -
Demand /
Analysis -
Financial Plan
Years 0-2
Pre-EIS work
RFQ Process
Selection -
Notice of Intent
/ Scoping -
Draft EIS
Public Hearing
Final EIS
Record of
Decision -
Years 1-4
RFP Process
Selection -
Award -
Closure -
Years 5-9
Aggregate Removal
Platform Development
Modified Retention Facilities
I-15 South Interchange
Airport Facilities
Ground Access
Support Facilities
Years 9-15
We are here
Where is it located?
The Airport site is located within the Ivanpah Valley of
Clark County, Nevada, approximately 23 miles south of
the hotel/casino corridor in Las Vegas.
The CCDOA has proposed to construct the Airport on land that was conveyed by patent to the County pursuant to the Ivanpah Valley Airport Public Lands Act of 2000. The SNSA site, which is located on part of a dry lakebed or playa known as Roach Lake, is bordered by Interstate 15 (I-15) on the west and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks on the east. Under a provision in the 2002 Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act, the County is authorized to acquire an additional 17,000 acres of land to serve as a compatibility buffer (the 17,000 acres) if the CCDOA receives approval from the FAA and BLM to construct the SNSA.
The 2002 Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act also established a 2,640-foot wide Transportation and Utilities Corridor (TUC) for the non-exclusive placement of transportation and utilities infrastructure between the Las Vegas Valley and SNSA.