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What is the Southern Nevada Supplemental Airport (SNSA)?SNSA is being proposed as a new commercial airport to supplement Harry Reid International Airport (Harry Reid), which will be constructed and operated by the Clark County Department of Aviation (CCDOA). SNSA would be constructed on a 6,000-acre site located in the Ivanpah Valley, south of Jean, Nevada and north of Primm, Nevada along the east side of Interstate-15 (I-15) and approximately 30 miles south of Harry Reid. An additional 17,000 acres would be acquired by CCDOA for airport compatibility purposes.
Why is a new airport needed?Harry Reid is nearing capacity on many critical components, including the airfield and terminal infrastructure, with little to no ability to increase capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to continue the planning for SNSA to ensure there is adequate airport capacity in the Las Vegas region to accommodate anticipated future demand.
Will the SNSA replace Harry Reid?No, the new airport will supplement Harry Reid, which will continue to operate. The CCDOA will continue to maximize the facilities and investment at Harry Reid to the extent possible, while providing a high level of service to its passengers.
When will the new airport be built?Estimated planning timelines indicate the airport could be open between 2035 to 2037, Contingent on the EIS resulting in a favorable record of decision.
What is the status of the project?Revalidating the planning studies and preliminary engineering completed in the 2005 – 2010 timeframe is necessary before starting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provided the CCDOA with a list of items to be addressed before the FAA will restart the EIS process.
What is the SNSA Planning Phase I Study?The SNSA Planning - Phase I Study includes all of the planning analyses necessary to ensure that the FAA and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have sufficient information to evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed airport in an EIS. These analyses include updated aviation forecasts, determining the airport and ground transportation infrastructure needed for the opening years of the airport, a construction implementation plan, evaluating the airspace to ensure that the proposed airport can safely operate with all the other Las Vegas area airports, and a financial plan.
Why would the funds going towards the SNSA Planning not be better spent on Harry Reid projects?Studies conducted over the last 20 years have consistently concluded that Harry Reid cannot be expanded to accommodate long-term demand for commercial service to the Las Vegas metropolitan area and a new, supplemental airport is required. Discontinuing the planning for SNSA would preclude options for increased air service to the Las Vegas metropolitan area, which could lead to economic constraints to the region. Once Harry Reid reaches capacity, aviation growth will be constrained unless there is another airport available to offer supplemental capacity. The CCDOA has continued and will continue to maintain and update facilities at Harry Reid as needed to provide the best service for airport customers.
Will the FAA move forward with an EIS if air travel declines again, due to another outbreak of COVID-19 or another pandemic?The “need” for the project is not predicated on short-term demand nor is it affected by short-term fluctuations in demand; rather it is based on the long-term needs of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Updating the planning, completing the EIS, preparing the airport design, and constructing the project will take many years, thus, it is necessary to continue planning now to have the additional capacity in place when aviation activity at Harry Reid reaches levels that cause a decline in passenger experience and satisfaction.
What will the name of the new airport be?At this time, CCDOA has not selected a name for the new airport.
Who will use the airport? Is it for passengers? Is it for cargo?The new airport would accommodate both passengers and cargo.
I’m an off-highway vehicle (OHV) enthusiast and I regularly use that area for off road vehicle activities. Will I still have access?Portions of the proposed airport site will be restricted to OHV uses but other portions may remain accessible. Potential impacts to OHV use will be evaluated and disclosed in the EIS.
How will the existing Jean Airport be impacted? Will I still be able to use this or is it being shut down?The impacts SNSA would have on Jean Airport have not currently been determined but are part of the SNSA Planning – Phase 1 Study.
Is this related to the Metroplex Program by the FAA? If so, how?No, the Metroplex Program is a separate process that identified ways to modernize and better use the existing Las Vegas metropolitan region airspace. While the FAA has been protecting the airspace around the proposed airport site, the Metroplex Program did not assume aircraft operations would be occurring at the proposed airport. The FAA will be evaluating how the proposed airport would operate within the Las Vegas metropolitan region airspace.
Will there be public transit to the Airport?While it is too early to identify the specific mode of public transit serving the new airport, it is anticipated there will be a public transit option. The SNSA Planning team is tasked with exploring feasible transit options.
How will the Airport site be served by utilities?The SNSA Planning team is working with local utility companies and agencies to establish plans for extending the necessary utilities to the SNSA site.
What type of air services will be offered at SNSA?SNSA is planned to accommodate all types of commercial air services, including passenger and cargo flights. SNSA is also planned to accommodate some types of general aviation air services, however, the specific types have not been determined at this time.
Frequently Asked Questions
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